You want to loose 10 pounds  (4.5kg) in one week or probably loose more pounds in  a limited time, then follow our effective plan.This plan have been tested with many people who were looking to lose weight fast, before an event and it work effectively. Its certainly possible to loose 10 IBS in one week, but it won't be pure body fat. Due to the calories deficit needed to burn each pound of fat, its simply not possible to safely burn 10 pounds of pure body fat in one week. However, this isn't to say you can't lose that much weight and still look leaner. A lot of the weight loss will come from body fat. You will also drop pounds by loosing excess water weight. This is because this plan lowers your insulin levels and makes your body get rid of store carbs which binds water. Along with reduced body fat and water weight you may also lose some weight due to less intestinal waste and undigested food and fiber in the digestive system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1)GINGER AND LEMONS- A perfect combination for weight loss, ginger is a well known root around the world for all of its health properties especially as an anti-inflammatory and floragistry properties can assist digestive system. This root is use as  slimming formula, because its properties promote weight loss,  not  only does it improves digestive functions but it also has powerful effects that  helps  activate the metabolism, making it opposing fat and calorie burner. On the other hand lemon is one of the most powerful medicines that promotes health in different ways, its large in vitamin C  content turns it to a very effective antioxidant that promote waste elimination from the body fight fluid retention, help detoxify the body and contributes to the reduction in abdominal swelling.                There are so many recipes for this natural detox, but we will choose the most effective ones.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1.LEMON & GINGER TEA- Pour one cup boiling water over the ginger cover it and let it steep for 5 minutes. Once the five minutes is up, squeeze the juice from one lemon and drink, its best to drink this tea before breakfast.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1) LEMON &GINGER LEMONADE- This delicious lemonade combines the classic recipes that we all know, with the powers of ginger this make it healthier and will allow for more weight loss. Prepare the lemonade as you normally do, not using refine sugar for sweetening, afterwards put a teaspoon of grind ginger drink once ready, mostly before breakfast.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3. GINGER & LEMON DRESSING - This is a wonderful alternative for enjoying the benefits of ginger and lemon together. Get a handful of grind ginger and then mix with the juice of one lemon and distress into your favorite salad and enjoy it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2) EAT FEWER CARBOHYDRATES AND MORE LEAN PROTEINS- You can lose several pounds by following a low-carb diet for just a few days. Researches have shown that low-carb diet is a very effective way to lose weight and improve health. A short term decrease in carb intake can also reduce water weight and bloating. Additional, making sure you eat plenty of protein can help reduce your appetite even further while boosting your metabolism. Try eliminating or drastically reducing all starchy carbs and sugars for the week. Replace these with low carb vegetables. While also increasing your intake of eggs, lean meats and fishes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3) EAT ORGANIC FOODS- Foods produce with the standard of organic farming is refer to as organic food, it is from the earth like the ground people. They generally mean food produce without the use of synthetic exercise and fertilizers, now don't get it wrong pesticides can be used by organic farmers on crops just as long as they derived from natural sources and are not synthetically created, vegetables, fruits a d meats are helpful, make sure to eat fruits in its season.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4)INTERMITTENT FASTING - Intermittent fasting is another simple way to reduce weight quickly, if you want to lose weight energize your body boost your brain power and live longer, then intermittent fasting is a better way of losing weight.  What is intermittent fasting? Let me make it simple, it is alternating between period of eating and fasting, call it feasting and fasting if you like. It is totally the opposite of what we been told to never skip a meal.
What does science says about intermittent fasting for weight loss? It improves the metabolism- short term fasting increases your metabolic rate by 3.6-14% helping you burn even more calories.      2. LOSE WEIGHT AS CALORIES RESTRICTION- we have seen multiple recipes that we compare to a calorie control diet, people lose the same or sometimes more weight with fasting. 
                                                                                                                                                                    3.IT TARGETS FAT- in a study of Italian athletes one group was assign to intermittent fasting for 3 weeks while the others consume a normal daily diet routine of three meals a day after eight weeks, the intermittent fasting group loss significantly more fat mass then the normal diet group without losing any muscle mass. Since the more lean muscle tissue you have on your body the more calories you will burn naturally, this is a good this g for fat loss. Here's how to do it:                                                                                                                     1.The 5:2 diet- in this method you eat normally five days a  week, then you fast partially for two days a week eating about one quarter of a normal day recommended calorie, which translate to about 500-600 calories a day not really a true fast but there you go.                                                                                                                                                                                   2.The 16:8 method (time restricted diet), in this you eat with in 8 hour window everyday and then fast for 16 hours everyday. You can skip breakfast and then eat a later lunch at around 1-2 pm and then stop eating to about 8pm- 10pm that night.                                         3. Alternate day fasting- where you fast for 24 hours every other day. Alternating days of eating without restrictions with fasting days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       4. EAT STOP EAT METHOD- where you fast for 24 hours 2 days out of the week , usually from 5pm in the evening until 5pm the next day. This method is the proving best.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5) LIFT WEIGHT AND TRY HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. One of the best ways to burn fat and improve your appearance 8s exercise. Weight lifting can lead to a similar amount of weight loss as regular aerobic training, it also help you add or maintain muscle mass and strength. Full body resistance training workouts are also a great method to lower your body carb stores and water weight, which can lead to a sharp decline in weight.lifting weights can also protect your metabolism and hormone levels which often decline during dieting. High intensity interval training is another very effective training method. Research suggest that 5 to 10,minutes of (HIIT) high intensity  interval trading can lead to similar or greater benefit for health and weight loss as five times that amount of regular exercise like weight lifting, it can quickly reduce muscle carb stores and also boost ether important aspects if weight loss, such as your metabolism and fat burning hormones. You can perform HIIT four to five times a week after a workout or as part of your normal training regimen. It is very important to do this with 100% effort or intensity. Most spring ts should not last more then 30,seconds. Here are few this you can use:                                                                 *        *Session 1: 10×20 - seconds sprint with 40 seconds rest.                                                             *Session 2: 15×15- seconds sprint with 30 seconds rest                                                                    *Session 3: 7×30- seconds sprint with 60 seconds rest.                                                                    *Session4:20×10- second D's sprint with 20 seconds rest.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 Lifting weights and doing high intensity intervals are among the ways to lose weight and deplete muscle glycogen stores, They can also boost your metabolism and provide other benefits.


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